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Sanne Mees


Meet your inner wisdom
Live YOUR life

Don’t live life the way you think you should.

Live yours, in YOUR way.

Live from your inner wisdom. You already KNOW what is best for you. Even if you forget it sometimes.

Remember your own wisdom again, so you can start living with joy!

You live life according to the rules

  • You think with your head about what you should do.

  • You adjust your behavior to what you think society expects of you.

  • You are insecure about yourself.

  • Deep down, you feel that what you are doing now is not meant for you.

  • You have a dream about what you want to do and how you want your life to look, but this is not yet a reality.

  • As soon as you think about that dream, or take steps towards it, you feel fear or think: I can't do this at all! I’m not good enough for this. I'll just keep doing what I'm doing now, even though it's not quite right.

Imagine this..

You wake up with a very happy and satisfied feeling. You get to live a new day! You are living your purpose, the reason you are here on earth.

❇ You check in with your inner wisdom to see what is good for you today

❇ You feel your lifeforce energy flowing

❇ You feel confident

❇ You are in touch with your sexual energy - this is where your power comes from (this is the magic!)

❇ You feel immense love for yourself

You are living your dream!

From people pleaser to inner wisdom


I was 26, and until then, I had mainly lived in my head. I did what I thought the world expected of me, without considering what I actually wanted in the world.

When someone asked me what I wanted, I would make the complicated twist in my head: ‘what would the other person want? Because then I'll say that's what I want.’ This was so unconscious that I didn't even realize I was doing it.

Now, eight years later, I have developed a deep love for the magic of inner journeys and my own inner wisdom. I have discovered and learned so much about the subconscious through shadow work, breathwork, sexual energy practices (Tao and Tantra), hypnosis, plant medicines, and witchcraft.

The most important thing I have learned is that my inner wisdom guides my life. When I know myself on a deep level, I feel which direction I need to go. Which leaps I should or shouldn’t take.

This brings me closer to my purpose, and I increasingly feel why I am here on earth, what I have to contribute.

I feel strongly connected to the word witch, and I call myself an inner wisdom witch – I feel the magic of being in touch with your inner wisdom, and I love to teach this to others.

My ultimate dream is that everyone lives from their own inner wisdom, and makes sure that their inner wisdom is aligned with the good in this world.


Live your life from your inner wisdom

❇ Know yourself on a deeper level

Be in your body and not just in your head

❇ Discover what you truly dream of

❇ Your blockages no longer prevent you from living your dreams

Supercharge your dream with sexual energy

Your life is yours

Inner Wisdom Journey

A deep transformational journey of 6 months including: 

12 one-on-one coaching sessions of 75-90 minutes in which we dive deep into your  situation. We explore your inner world together. This journey will be highly personal, created based on your needs and desires. 

The sessions are online via Zoom and are recorded (if you want to!), so you can watch them back for integration.

Audios for home practice. To dive deep in between the sessions and make the transformation last.

In between sessions you receive support from me via email.​

Inner Wisdom Journey

6 months

12 sessions

€ 1577

Only packages are available, not individual sessions. Achieving lasting transformation requires commitment over a period of time, allowing you to fully integrate the tools and techniques.

Book your free match call of 45-60 minutes to see whether we are a match! 

You can also reach me by email:

come with me
on an inner journey
within yourself
to discover 
who you really are

Iain, 1:1 coachingscliënt

"I would highly recommend your coaching. The content and practices both within the coaching container and done after as homework almost always yielded some new insight and progress that I would have taken years to uncover myself.

You are a natural born coach… I am beyond impressed that a lot of the material you were “practicing” with me for the first time. Also… I have already recommended you to two people both of whom have signed up and are loving working with you as much as I did."

Tools and Techniques

The tools and techniques we'll work with during the 1-on-1 coaching

Spiritual & down to earth

I love coaching with pureness, love, and playfulness. 

Pureness - I like to meet you at the level of your heart, beyond all stories. What is truly alive for you? 

Love - I guide you from love. Every part of you is welcome. 

Playfulness - not everything is rainbows and unicorns. By approaching the more heavy or difficult parts with a little bit of lightness and playfulness, it does become a easier to meet them. 


I am both spiritual and down to earth. I love doing energy work, and diving into and exploring the deeper layers within yourself. I do this with full reverence, integrity and at your pace. We only go where you want to go.

I love doing this with a practical point of view, offering tangible tools so the transformation will last in your daily life.

I am trained in the VITA methodology from Layla Martin. This methodology is based in Eastern wisdom (Taoism and Tantra) and in Western science. I’ve experienced this methodology myself during my training and I’ve never had so much personal growth in one year's time. It fundamentally changed how I feel in my body and how I experience my sexuality. I’ve also seen this change happen first-hand with my clients and when you dedicate yourself to dive in, these changes will also happen for you.



"With lots of embodied exercises, Sanne helped me to ground into my body, and to feel more present and aware of what’s going on in me. She gave me lots of tools and safe space to nurture more self-love and confidence in myself."


"It almost feels like Sanne is constantly introducing me to a version of myself that I’ve known is there but that we sometimes suppress and stifle, not knowing how much power is getting locked away at the same time."


"You were amazing. You have a beautiful, calm and supportive energy

You were both insightful and knowledgeable, giving me good insights into things we uncovered in our easy going discussions and through the various practices. I miss chatting with you :) "


Yess, I want this!

I am ready to:

♡ live my dream

♡ tap into my inner wisdom

♡ truly be happy with myself

♡ enjoy every day

Frequently asked questions

The coaching sessions are online. Does that work? 

Yes, doing sessions online works really well! That's my experience of the last two years, from the sessions I've received ánd the sessions that I've given. I've seen magic happen.

The advantages are that you are at home in your own environment and you can have more privacy for certain exercises if you prefer. For example, your camera can be turned off while I guide you through an exercise.

Mali, a client of mine, said:  

"I am surprised how well it worked for me to do our sessions online, enabling me to stay in my own home and in the same time feeling as if Sanne was actually sitting next to me in person, as she intuitively knew exactly when and how to check in on me and guide me through the process. Even in moments that my video was off!"


You teach pleasure practices. Does this mean that I have to be naked on screen during the sessions? 

No, you'll never be naked on screen during a session. Pleasure practices will only be given as guided audios for in between the sessions and you do them solo. 

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